8 Nov 2011

Simon's Cat 'Cat Man Do' ★★★☆☆

Review of 'Simon's Cat 'Cat Man Do'' which can be found here at Films Short.

Length: 01:38
By writer/director Simon Tofield
Genre: Animation
Date: 2007
Website: http://www.simonscat.com/
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: A hungry cat goes to extremes to wake up its sleeping owner.

Okay, it's a cartoon. It's always going to have to be a pretty poor effort for me to give a cartoon a bad review and this little number has already gained acclaim by winning the Best Comedy category at the 2008 British Animation Awards.

'Cat Man Do' is the first in a series featuring the characters so check out their website for more info. It's simple through and through. Black on white, one shot, made up of mostly static scenery, no soundtrack or dialogue and it's a one joke plot.

The cat is cute, that's a given, but it's voice (meow) didn't fit the cuddly caricature somehow. I'll have to presume it's a male cat as it wasn't a particularly feminine meow. He gets up to adorable antics trying to wake up Simon. It's all cat play but then the baseball comes out and the cat suddenly becomes too humanised for me. Simon falls short in both drawing style and animation but the cats movements were expertly animated.

Set up, pacing, and the punch line are all executed very well as are most animations. We all know there's no time to spare in this media but given the time it takes to produce such animations, was it worth the effort? The award would suggest so, and I'll probably agree. It's not terribly original but is an easy and enjoyable watch. Everybody's got to start somewhere.

Best Bit: Cats pinpoint arsehole. Simple but effective.

Worst Bit: How Simon is drawn.

Final thought: Who is the target audience? Adults or kids?

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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