9 Mar 2012

Red Balloon ★★★★★

Review of 'Red Balloon' which can be found here or here on Daily Motion.

Length: 12:55
Written and directed by Alexis Wajsbrot & Damien Macé
Genre: Horror
Date: 2010
Rating: ★★★★★

Logline: Typical babysitter alone in house with murdering psychopath on the loose.

I love this short horror. Two genres which are hard to combine. This has good quality video so I recommend watching in full screen if possible. Headphones will add to the pebble dashing of knickers also.

This has tons horror genre tropes crammed into it so the plot is pretty much stolen from a mish-mash of well known films. (Primarily Halloween) We get the babysitter alone in the house with a psychopath, the foreboding dream sequence, the scary little girl, the phantom mirror image, dodgy electrics plunging the house in darkness etc. All of which have been done to death before. None the less, there are still scares to be had whether you're expecting them or not. If you're a fan of the genre you'll appreciate the moment you're compelled to shout out "Don't go back in the house you stupid cow!", testament the the emotionally involving film.

Rachel Bright plays the doomed child minder and makes a good go of it once the action starts. Niamh Palmer Watson plays Dorothy, and is the weakest link in the cast. She looks like she's been forced into child acting and is trying to suppress laughter in every take. I'd recommend dumping her for any sequel.

Dialogue is a bit stale and predictable. The phone conversations, as with the whole of the films lip syncing, doesn't match very well which is a minor distraction. I liked the swooping camera work throughout the set piece. Reminded me of 'Panic Room' but here is does get over done a little too much. The soundtrack is commendable and used to great effect with plenty of builds up to scares. Detrimental to this was the overlapping of too much audio tracks, especially the background television, with potential for audiences to lose focus.

Probably plot and acting/voice overs let this film down the most in an otherwise top production and genre piece. Plus it's really only like eleven minutes long cos the end credits take up ages.

Best Bit: Lots of building up of tension.

Worst Bit: Audio in parts.

Final thought: Where do escaped psychos go to get their hand knitted rabbit costumes there days?

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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