29 Feb 2012

Sleepless Nights ★★☆☆☆

Review of 'Sleepless Nights' which can be found here at Daily Motion.

Length: 05:22
Directed by Alan Taylor
Genre: Experimental
Date: 2005
Rating: ★★☆☆

Logline: Someone in the middle of nowhere shoots some footage of not very much.

I'm glad Taylor had the sense to describe this as experimental as if it were in any other genre, it would lose a star for being really rather terrible. Being "experimental" is probably the saving grace of many a bad movie. Another reason this didn't score as low as it could was I felt sorry for the poor guy who had, whether against his will or not, filmed on location during a holiday on a farm near Hawick. At least he was able to stave off mind numbing boredom by producing a mind numbingly boring film.

I'm presuming Taylor is also in the early stages of film production as this piece is a little incohesive with shoddy camerawork and dodgy cross fades in the edit. Be prepared for endless shots of trees, fields and the inside of an empty cottage. Some good music is dubbed over but although atmospheric in parts, is not always in keeping with the tone. There is a mixture of static shot, camera pan, real audio, black & white, tint, and no image at all. Don't get your hopes up when we get a squeaky door opening, nowt happens. Also feel free to go and put the kettle on when it cuts to the shot of the log fireplace. It's excruciatingly long, and if you look closely, can see that there is actually a fade transition in the middle??? Cut to the next shot man! Ironically, the very last shot is the best one. Sod's law, isn't it.

I think this film is best left for Taylor's eyes only. Either that or possibly police evidence relating to a series of murders that occurred in that area roughly around the same time.

Best Bit: The Willow Creek Pictures logo sequence.

Worst Bit: The black and white fire sequence.

Final thought: Nice out of date font usage also.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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