12 Feb 2012

Bitch ★★★★★

Review of 'Bitch' which can be found here via Future Shorts.

Length: 03:50
Directed by Dom Bridges
Genre: Comedy
Date: 2007
Rating: ★★★★★

Logline: An unsuspecting customer falls foul to an age old trick at a supermarket.

This is an enjoyable little sketch which plays on many of our fears - a strange old lady wants to talk to you while you're innocently waiting in line at a checkout. It's a prime example of how British politeness can get you into more trouble and a warning to any would be shopper out there. I have to think that although this story comes from an old urban myth, this scenario must have happened to someone at least once out there.

The film marks well in all areas of production. Nice handheld camera work, good picture quality, subtle well-fitting soundtrack, and sound & lighting are both up to scratch. I did find the pacing a little slow in parts, especially the conveyor belt title sequence although the product integrated text was definitely a nice touch.

Josh Cole gives a good performance as the slightly uncomfortable but obliging customer as does devious pensioner, Velma Davis. I've seen the average white man and Caribbean elderly woman combo before in 'The Good Samaritan'. Must be a London thing. Comedy is mostly visual such as Cole's ill at ease body language and the photo of the supposed oriental dead son. Dialogue is mostly purposeful information delivering but the delivery of the last line by Cole is particularly hilarious and a great punchline to the scene. So although I feel the film could have been a little shorter, it is still a great example of a short.

Best Bit: The way the last line is venomously spat out.

Worst Bit: Interesting but long winded title sequence.

Final thought: What shop is this? Harrods? She never had two hundred and fifty odd pounds worth of shopping.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the film, Velma is a natural and I see she has gone on to more TV work in Off their Rockers. Well done
