18 Jan 2012

What Light ★★★☆☆

Review of 'What Light' which can be found here or at Future Shorts.

Length: 04:19
Written & directed by Sarah Wickens
Genre: Animation
Date: 2009
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: A ray of sunlight cast through a window takes on life and causes havoc as it plays around someones house.

It starts off pretty dull and boring and your heart half sinks thinking 'oh god not another crappy student film', but surprisingly it gets going (admittedly not quick enough for my short attention span) and gives a playful animation involving light as character. Starting off as just a blob of light, the shape soon changes through interaction with the environment, developing, investigating and self creating a humanoid form.

A bit more than experimentation with medium, it isn't without plot. Although there are a few expected sequences in there, the fireworks to name one, it culminates in unexpected ways. The light begins to manipulate its surroundings and is a good exploration in technique and limits. The setting is natural, believable even, with a homemade feel which is complemented by the animation which isn't entirely without flaw.

As with many shorts, we enter a world in its ordinary state, have something change only for it to fall back into normality once more. The director even choses to use the end credit sequence as a means of explaining how the animation was created. Obviously anticipating the audiences curiosity here. A good effort.

Best Bit: Explanation credit sequence.

Worst Bit: Scabby room.

Final thought: Meh.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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