13 Mar 2012

She Farted And Created The World ★★★★☆

Review of 'She Farted And Created The World' which can be found here or via 4mations.

Length: 02:11
Written & animated by Scott Coello
Genre: Animation
Date: 2009
Rating: ★★★

Logline: Exactly what the title says: A dog guffs and evolution begins.

Naturally, it was the title that drew me in. Whereas I usually decimate the environment on releasing a trouser cough, this cartoon has a dog (not known for conjuring up pleasant air biscuits at the best of times) let rip and a new world, not dissimilar to our own, is created.

It was a nice surprise not to get the usual man through time sequence that we've all seem before. This pretty much skips from cavemen to modern times and we don't lose anything for it. The story unfolds at a good pace and comes full circle. It's mere fantasy, a no-brainer, nothing more than that.

The animation has the smoothness of movement and digital colour tones of something produced via computer but layered with a hand made style. (Does that sound like I know what I'm talking about?) Drawings are primitive though but still effective. I liked how different sequences were differentiated from each other using colour.

Most notable is the impressive soundtrack. This is the only audio as there is as no dialogue or sound effects are used. The music runs seamlessly with the on screen images so was either written specifically for the film or vice versa. If you like it, looks like you can download the track here. Unfortunately, it seems the band 'Son of Robot' is no longer in existence.

Ultimately, I think the idea behind the animation was stronger than the final product but combined with the excellent soundtrack, I don't really mind.

Best Bit: Soundtrack. Definitely.

Worst Bit: Rubbish looking dog.

Final thought: He writes, he makes cartoons, he's in a band. Note to self - Must meet Scott Coello.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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