20 Nov 2012

Cold Blood ★★★☆☆

Review of 'Cold Blood' which can be found here on YouTube.

Length: 10:02
Written & directed by Steve Looker
Genre: Horror
Date: 2007
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: A woman wakes up to find she's being held captive by a murderous maniac. 

There's a few visible influences in here, 'Saw', 'Halloween', 'The A-Team' (who locks their victim up in a room full of tools and weapons!) but all in all it's a homage to slasher movies and plays up to the genre in several ways. This film should engage with audiences as with all good slashers, viewers try to figure out what they'd do in that situation at the same time as mocking the victims dumb decisions while they watch. 

This turns more into a comedy than a horror though. The Michael Myers mask, all the sniffing, and the woman that just cries all the time, makes this a little more humorous than it's probably meant to be. Any good movie fan will appreciate the 'Don't turn your back on the killers supposedly dead body' moment. The crotch ripping motorbike wheel is an inventive kill for sure (though she had a perfectly good nail gun in her hands two minutes earlier). 

I like Alison Bell as the traumatised protagonist in this. She maintains the constant crying quite well (although that was fairly annoying in terms of character design). I would have liked to have seen her going at the killer with the pipe with a bit more gusto and for at least some sort of change in her by the end. There's not even relief on her face after killing the guy, it's just more crying. 

It feels like the very professional soundtrack doesn't quite match up with the low-fi quality on screen. Saying that, it's been used well and adds momentum to the bad guy getting his nads ripped off at the end. The handheld camerawork suited the pov shots but was a bit erratic during some other points. I can understand that the limited location may have removed the option to have clear tripod shots though. There aren't many gory horror SXF unfortunately, but what there is have been done fairly well. The throat cut is a simple effect which looks good. Pacing might be a tad slow as the attempt to build tension gets dragged out a bit but the decision to not explain what has happened before (how she got there) or what happen's next was actually a good one and shows less is more. 

Best Bit: End kill. 

Worst Bit: Crying woman. 

Final thought: Come on, give us a shot of her beating him repeatedly over the head with a lead pipe.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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